After a hard fought, well-planned campaign, elections for our Class Representatives were held on Monday and Tuesday. Our 4 candidates, Wesley, Saevion, Matthew and Nabila worked hard to get their names out there and to let the voters know their platform. Thanks goes out to our Campaign Managers: Khandro, Fahim, Ormim and Julianna, for support and advisory skills when assisting their candidates. The day before elections, posters came down and the Bat Crew lined up at the poll station ready to vote! Hailey and Heather were our Deputy Returning Officers. They created the ballots, made sure students had ID and knew how to vote. Julianna stepped in as our poll clerk making sure the voters ID was valid. Khandro also took on the role of photographer and got great pics! In the end, the results were in and the ballots were counted! And the winner is:
Wesley 18
Matthew 12
Saevion 3
Nabila 3
Congratulations Wesley on running a smooth campaign! We are proud to have you as our Class Rep! Kudos to the other candidates, you worked hard and showed great sportsmanship!